The understitch is an important step in garment sewing. It's something you do whenever you have facings or linings used to finish a neckline or armhole and it helps keeps these on the inside of the garment for a neater appearance.
Tag: facing
How to Create Patterns From Existing Clothes – Simple Woven Skirts
Learn to create your own simple skirt patterns from woven skirts you already own.
Knit Facing
Knit facings help to finish and support necklines and armholes when there are no collars or sleeves. Learn how to sew facings into your knit garments.
V Neckline
Never fear the V neckline again. We offer tips and tricks so that you're next V neck will be your best.
Skirt Yoke Assembly
Watch a demonstration on one way you can sew in a skirt yoke that would also incorporate a traditional waistband.
Flat Collar Assembly
In this tutorial, we demonstrate a professional way to sew in a flat collar. This technique is great for beginners.
Bound Buttonhole – 2 piece technique
Add some couture style details to your garment with a bound buttonhole.
Full Bodice Assembly
With your full bodice patterns drafted, learn how to assemble them to mix and match skirts for the creation of a dress.
Neckline and Armhole Facing Patterns
This tutorial demonstrates how to create your own neckline and armhole facing pattern pieces.