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Pot Holder

Slanted PotholderThere are some items that no longer seems to fit with their name.  Take for example the glove compartment.  I'm sure, at some point, it actually was used to store gloves, but, at least for me, it seems more of a catchall for whatever paperwork happens to be floating around in my car.  We also have the pot holder.  Technically, it's not actually holding a pot.  I'm holding the pot and it's merely sandwiched between the two.  I offer a proposition that we change the name of the Pot Holder to Hand Saver, because it deserves more honor for the service it provides us.

In honor of the Pot Holder aka Hand Saver, we have the pattern and video tutorial so you can make your own and pay your own tribute to it.  Make one or make a lot and hand them out as gifts.   In turn, you'll become sort of a hand saver as well.

Also check out half apron and produce bag, each have a video tutorial and pattern.

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37 thoughts on “Pot Holder

  1. ProfessorPincushion

    You have to use the stretchiness of the bias tape. You could just be trying to fit in more bias tape than is necessary to get around the corners, so when you get to the corner stretch it and then use a lot of pins. I hope this helps and good luck

  2. Stacielizdavis

    This video is great. I have learned so much from your videos, I even learned how to sew a quilt from your videos. The only thing I’m having a hard time with is trying to figure out the corners. My bias tape ends up benching up in the corners or I’m ending up with it folding over itself. How do I keep it all flat like you have?

  3. SympleTymes Cloth Art By Sherrie Nordgren

    First Thank you for taking the time to make the video so those of us who are NEWBIES and want to learn!!
    I am such a visual person , Have to SEE how you do it before I can even try. I did subscribe also.
    My question in the video I did not see how you did the corners, Can you PLEASE explain how you did round corners..Thank You for not using a walking foot, because being brand new I have not idea how to use one..Thank You again
    Sherrie Nordgren

  4. ProfessorPincushion

    I think the extra wide-double folded bias tape is normally carried in one size, 1/2″ 🙂

  5. Genesis

    I found this video to be very helpful. I liked the fabrics you chose and appreciate the black background for a good contrast while your working. My only complaint is that the video skips out on the most difficult parts (for me) of this project…sewing around the corners and a view of the back of the potholder to exemplify how a correct top stitch on the front will look on the back.

  6. 05martinez

    Thanks for such a great video tutorial… I just finished my first one & I really enjoyed it! Enjoying my new hobby, never thought sewing would be my thing, but I think it is 🙂

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