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Cutting the fabric

Cutting the fabric

I pin the pattern. I make sure it is as smooth as possible. I start to cut and inevitably my cutting misses and I cut over a line. I try...

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...seams I’m having a hard time just cutting the fabric straight (or on grain I suppose). Any tricks for making sure when I cut I’m doing so in a straight...

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Reply To: Cutting Out My Fabric

...tutorial working with Silk and Silk-like fabrics. Also, another option is investing in a rotary cutter and cutting mat. That way the pieces are always lying flat and not getting...

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Reply To: Cutting Layout

...1 on the fold. Now piece 3 looks kind of odd in this diagram but essentially you're just cutting this piece once. In order to fit it on the fabric,...

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Cutting out pattern pieces…

This is my first time ever sewing and I'm trying to figure out the directions for cutting out my pattern pieces. My question is when I look at the direction...

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Cutting Dart?

Hi! I'm using Burda Style 6875 right now and it is telling me to cut along the center of a dart. I'm not exactly sure what it means and I...

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Reply To: Cutting Out My Fabric

i actually just got a rotary set last weekend. im trying to cut out the clutch purse pattern. the fabric is a bit slippery. plus regular printer paper probably isnt...

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