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Circle Skirt Assembly

Tag: rolled hem

Circle Skirt Assembly

This video will show you how to use your custom pattern in order to sew a full circle skirt. It'll take you through the whole process from fabric pieces to a completed skirt that will be sure to catch attention.

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Narrow Hemmer Presser Foot

Using a narrow hemmer presser foot to create a narrow hem or rolled hem on your sewing machine can make your sewing tasks easier. But this type of foot can be tricky to use. Watch this demonstration to see how it's done.

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Sewing with Tissue Lame

Before tearing your hair out over sewing with tissue lame, watch this video for some handy tips and tricks. This popular costume fabric doesn't have to be a complete nightmare and can give you some great results.

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Curved Hems

Hemming a curve is not necessarily the same as hemming a straight edge. This video will demonstrate three different methods you can use so your curves look nice and professional.

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Sewing With Crepe

Working with beautiful crepe fabric requires extra attention and patience. This demonstration will offer tips and tricks so that sewing with crepe will be even easier.

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