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Hi there, Well, you certainly came to the right place.  Welcome to the club!  Once you get the hang of it, I’m sure you’ll be wondering why you held off so long.  I think the hardest part is just getting started, because a lot of people find the sewing machine and sewing itself intimidating.  So if you feel that way, don’t worry as you’re not alone.  But hopefully, our tutorials can build up some confidence.  If you’ve never touched your machine before check outHow to thread your sewing machine.  After that, I would practice just doing stitches on your machine so you can get used to using it.  I go over this in ourstraight stitch tutorial   If you want to learn about all the different tools, check out our Inside the Sewing box series.  If you’re eager to start using commercial patterns check out our Simplicity 2147 Mini Dress tutorial  We go over how to complete a pattern from beginning to end so you’ll see the whole process.   We have a lot of intro videos that will help you as you get more involved in sewing.  To see them in an organized way, click “videos” on the top menu.  This will take you to a page that lists all the videos but at the top of these videos you’ll see a “sort” button.  Put your mouse over this and it’ll bring down a drop menu.  Go down to “sort by category” and you’ll then see all the major categories like Intro to Fabric, Intro to Patterns, Intro to Sewing Machine and so on.  Just click one of these and you’ll see tutorials related to this category.  It might help you learn in an easier way then just looking at all videos together.  If you want an itemized to-do list, we offer one to our premium members which you can have access to for $5 a month, no contract.  Click here to view how to go premium.    Good luck and let us know if you ever need any help.  That’s what we’re here for.  🙂