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Hi there, I’m so glad to hear that you’re thinking about taking up sewing as a new hobby.  I find it to be a very rewarding and fun hobby but, like all hobbies, it will cost you money, especially when you’re starting out.  A common misconception is that sewing your own clothes will be cheaper than buying premade clothes, but, you’ll soon realize, that this is hardly the case. Although, it’s nice when we get lucky and find a good deal. In regards to what basic supplies that you will need to start, it will depend on what kind of sewing you wish to do.  If you wish to get into machine sewing, than I definitely recommend looking into getting (or borrowing) a sewing machine.  You do not need an expensive machine with a bunch of fancy gadgets as the majority of the time you’ll just be using a regular straight stitch and sometimes a zigzag or a buttonhole.  So you can get by on a basic machine for under $150. As far as other supplies, I would recommend maybe starting off with a “Start-to-Sew” kit.  It’s usually found in the notions department and in this kit you’ll get scissors (to only be used on fabric so they stay sharp), sewing gauge, tracing wheel, pincushion, seam ripper, pins, needles and marking pencil.  You can get this kit, usually, for under $20.  It’s a little easier for beginners than trying to pick out things individually and once you really get into it, you can always upgrade your supplies or expand to other accessories.  Like other crafts, you’ll soon find your little stash growing into a giant stash. If you’re interested in trying apparel sewing, maybe pick up an easy, beginner pattern.   Check out our tutorial on how to read a pattern book to figure out how to find your patterns.  For an easy pattern walkthru, check out our tutorial on pattern 2147.  We’ll show you how to figure out what supplies you need and then step by step on how to complete it.  It’s best to start with some easy so you can get basic skills and then build up your confidence. We’re always here to help so feel free to ask us anything.  Good luck!