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Simplicity 4762-Vest

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Vests aren't all that common anymore, which is a shame when you can clearly see the added sophistication they bring to the suit.  I don't care if I'm the only one.  I love it.  It also gives one a place to store their monocle and pocket watch.  Even if you don't own a monocle or pocket watch, you'll still want to create this vest.  It'll add an extra layer of elegance to any suit ensemble.

Using Simplicity pattern 4762, we've made a tutorial showing how you can create the vest, view D.  You could also easily do one of the other vests, as we did the most complicated one with all the elements.   Just skip to the next step if ours include an element that you don't want added to your vest.  I really like the view D vest though, because I feel it definitely has an elegant, vintage feel and The Professor's Assistant looks like he's straight out of Mad Men.

You can find the pattern HERE.  Also complete the look by checking out our tutorial for the Tie.

Categories:  Basic Video   |   commercial pattern tutorials   |   Professor Pincushion Posts   |   simplicity patterns   |   Videos

8 thoughts on “Simplicity 4762-Vest

  1. ProfessorPincushion

    for adding pockets to the side seams, you can do something similar to this tutorial (even though in my example it’s pants): I also have this tutorial which shows you how to create your own side seam pocket patterns and inserting them into a skirt, but this is one of our premium tutorials so you have to have a premium membership to view it:

  2. Kathleen Rossin

    Please give me advise on sewing pockets into seams of skirts or adding security pockets into any garment.

  3. dwayne8650

    I like this vest and i plan to make one, as you say it’s so sophisticated and just adds to any wardrobe.

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