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Do You Use Browser Cookies


Do You Use Browser Cookies

Yes uses browser cookies.  For some reason you have them turned off, you can get some more info here on how to turn them on.  We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If you continue to use this site, cookies will...

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I Want To Modify My Patreon Contribution

You can modify your Patreon contribution to Professor Pincushion by visiting our Patron Page while logged in, and you will see options to change your contribution. is the one that handles all the payments and is the one that charges you.

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I Cant View Premium Content And I Am From Patreon

If you HAVE NOT linked your Patreon account to Professor Pincushion, go to the Patreon Page and follow the on screen instructions to link your Patreon account to Professor Pincushion.  Patrons with a contribution of $5 or more you will have access to Premium content. Make sure you are logged...

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I Want To Support You On Patreon

Thanks for the support, check out our Patreon page HERE to learn more.  If you are a Patron of $5 or more you will have access to our Premium content, just like a Premium member would.  Everything you need to do is on the Patreon Page.

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I Want To Contact Support

If you have not found what you are looking for in the FAQ's, then please contact support.  On this page, near the top is the "Contact Support" tab. If you are on a mobile device, it might be all the way at the bottom.  Click that tab and you will...

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Can I View Premium Content On A Mobile Device?

Yes most likely.  We only stream using HTML5 video and no longer use Flash.  We do our best to support as many devices as possible.  Make sure on your mobile device you are using the latest version of the Chrome, Firefox or Safari browser.  Old browsers, such as the default...

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Sewing Classroom

The sewing classroom is your quick start to learning how to sew.  If you are brand new to sewing this is the best place to start learning how to sew.  Our videos are listed in order from the basics to more advanced.  Just start watching the videos in order and just...

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Im having trouble watching videos

Quick Solutions Try A Different Browser Make sure your browser is up to date, upgrade it if needed. Try installing Chrome, or Firefox or Safari for your primary browser.  If you have a mobile device, Chrome or Firefox is also recommended. If you are using an ad blocking browser plugins,...

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