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Length of Circle Skirt

Length of Circle Skirt

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  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years, 1 month ago by the_professors_assistant.
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  • #52634

    I am a beginner in sewing…
    Today, I have decided to stitch a circle skirt..
    I surfed online to know the measurements I would need to sew a skirt and got through this circle skirt calculator

    In this calculator, input has length of skirt and output also has length of skirt…What is the input length and what is the output length? Please clarify …


    I’m didn’t create this calculator so I can’t say exactly what they mean, only a guess. Probably input length is what your desired finished length of skirt is and output is giving you length with hem allowance and seam allowance included. We do have a tutorial for making the pattern and sewing a full circle skirt here: It’s part of our premium membership.

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