If you love doing hand sewing, especially when it comes to decorative stitches, you'll want to try the double threaded back stitch. This intricate looking stitch is floss woven through a basic back stitch to create a braided appearance. This demo shows you how it's done.
Double Threaded Back Stitch
Tag: decorative stitch
Rosette Chain Stitch
This loopy hand stitch is a unique embellishment to add to your designs and is called the Rosette Chain Stitch. This video shows you how to do it with some embroidery floss and a hand needle.
Smocking – Wave Stitch
Step up your smocking game by doing an embroidery on top of it. This tutorial demonstrates how to do a basic wave stitch to get you started.
Stem Stitch
The stem stitch is a basic but versatile stitch to learn if you want to get into embroidery or decorative hand stitching. It's great for doing outlines and lettering.