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Ribbon Embroidery – Ribbon Roses

Ribbon Embroidery RosesHave you ever used embroidery to embellish a project?  Do you know you can use ribbon to also embroider and to create an even more fantastic embellishment?  It's true and it can be so beautiful!  This tutorial shows you how to create ribbon roses through the use of embroidery.  There are 4 different stitches taught in this tutorial to give you roses with different looks. In my example, I used silk ribbon, which I highly recommend.  Not only is silk ribbon a higher quality of ribbon than your typical polyester satin ribbon, but, in my opinion, it looks nicer and I find it easier to do these stitches with it.  If you can't find silk ribbon in your local craft store, try purchasing it online.  Give ribbon embroidery a try and make these ribbon roses!

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One thought on “Ribbon Embroidery – Ribbon Roses

  1. Renaissance Princess

    Oh My Gosh! That is amazing! Where did you learn that! I am speech less!

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