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Invisible Zipper

Invisible ZipperInvisible Zipper Foot PartsTo a beginner, zipper sewing seems like advanced sewing and intimidating. I remember that stage of my life when pretty much everything I made had an elastic waistband. But at some point, we all want to move past the elastic and maybe wear something that's still comfortable but maybe a bit more streamline. You build up the courage, sew in the zipper and then think to yourself, "Well, that wasn't so bad after all." Then, you hear about invisible zippers. What?! They need their own special foot? And zipper intimidation comes crawling back.

Well, I'm here at the end of it to tell all of you, sewing an invisible zipper is not bad at all. Yes, you need that invisible zipper foot and if your machine doesn't have one, no worries.  You can buy the universal plastic one sold next to the zippers.  This video will even show you how to use the universal invisible zipper foot attachment that works with most machines. In a few easy steps, you can snap that foot together and start putting that invisible zipper on like a pro.

 The invisible zipper is more seamless looking than the standard as there are no visible stitches. It's used for dressier, high-end looking garments or costumes but can be used in other lightweight projects too. If you pick a zipper that matches well with your fabric, you only notice it by the zipper tab. Watch this video to see how it's done.

Categories:  Basic Video   |   fasteners   |   Professor Pincushion Posts   |   Videos

2 thoughts on “Invisible Zipper

  1. Emily

    Thanks so much for classes. I am a beginner and I love to sew. I am looking forward to all the help that is given here. God Bless

  2. gladtidings4all

    Great video it explained clearly what my colored zipper parts are and how they work! I needed to know that since I’m a beginner sewer! Thanks can’t wait to do one!

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