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Using stretch fabric with the wrong 2-way stretch

Using stretch fabric with the wrong 2-way stretch

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Using stretch fabric with the wrong 2-way stretch

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    I’d like some advice on how I can use some fabric that I got that has a 2-way stretch – the problem is that it has stripes which would run horizontally if I used the fabric normally, but I think it looks much nicer hanging vertically (for a dress). Using it this way means it would stretch up and down.
    Is there a way for me to use it like this or will it hang badly?
    I was thinking I could make a non stretch lining and put a zipper in so that it basically acts as a non stretch material but I wasn’t sure if it would be strange – like feeling heavier because the fabric wants to pull down?


    I wouldn’t do a lining as I think you’re right that it’ll look heavier. If you also have stretch going horizontally around the body, you should be ok. If not and the stretch is just vertical on the body you might have an issue just with getting the garment on. Another option might be to cut your pieces on the bias and your stripes will then go diagonally but you’ll need to make sure you’ll have enough fabric for that. Definitely make sure you do your stay stitching around curves like your neckline. Please post a pic when you finish your dress, I’d love to see how it turns out.

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