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  • #10570

    Hi! I was watching the mini dress video. I have a question on the stay stitching directions at the neckline. The arrows point to the middle from both directions. Does it mean that you can start from either end and continue in one direction to the other side? Or does it mean you can start on either side but they meet halfway? Like you start one side and sew to the middle of the neckline and then start from the other end and meet in the middle? And I never knew this before until I watched your video, you backstitched at the beginning of the stay stitch and I assume you backstitch at the end too?


    Yes, I backstitch on both ends. I’ve always done it in one fell swoop and have never had any problems or issues. But you can do it the other way too, which is to stitch at the ends and meet in the middle and I’ve heard some say that this really helped in making a neater appearance. Whatever way works best for you, then that’s the one to stick with.


    Oh ok well great to know either way is fine. I actually think your way is better because it’s easier to do it in one step then having to start and stop and start and stop again. Plus if you meet in the middle what do you do backstitch in-between? On a side note, I wanted to share with you some resources I have found useful for sewing 18″ doll clothes for the American Girl style dolls. It is not Professor Pincushion direct related so I didn’t know how to send it to you directly. I put it on “ticket” but I have no idea what that is or if it would get to you, lol.

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