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Sleeve Problem with Simplicity 3628

Sleeve Problem with Simplicity 3628

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    I’ve been making the A/B type jacket of this pattern and it was going fine until I started attaching the sleeves. I’ve altered my pattern a little but not in ways that should affect the problem I’m having (I shortened the jacket’s length and sleeve length). My sleeves edges are far bigger than my sleeve holes so I tried a basting stitch that let me gather and spread out the extra but it looked gathered instead of smooth like the pictures show. The sleeves are also attached in a way that if I lift my arms it pulls the jacket up and crossing my arms stretches the back quite tight. Is this a sizing issue? I can’t figure out how to fix this.
    Thanks in advance for any help you give, your videos have been amazingly helpful for me understanding how patterns work!


    I haven’t done this pattern so it’s hard for me to say for sure. To me, it looks like your envelope might include two different sleeves and the sleeves meant for c/d are meant to look more gathered. Are you sure you cut out the sleeves with the correct sleeve pattern?


    I just checked and the only sleeve cut out is the A/B one. The gathering is annoying but I can manage it. Do you know of any reason why the sleeves are raising the rest of the jacket when lifted or are stretching the back? How constricting the sleeves make the jacket is very concerning. And I have checked to be sure I have the right side sleeves in the right side holes.


    hmmm…this could be a result of the type of material you used. If the material is on the stiffer side, it’ll probably feel more restrictive and will raise up a bit if you do raise your arms. If you feel that it is way too tight, you may want to decrease some of the seam allowances just to give yourself a little more ease. I hope this helps!


    Ahh, I did use a stiffer fabric. Unfortunately, I already trimmed my seam allowances back since I thought I was on the last step. Thanks for the advice, next time I’ll leave my allowances longer so I have more wiggle room. :]

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