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returned to sewing to improve my wellness

returned to sewing to improve my wellness

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  • This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 7 years ago by gatofeliz.
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  • #65892

    hi professor pin cushion!
    Thank you so much for making sewing seem a lot more accessible and possible for those of us who are new or in my case, getting back to it for the first time in 15 years as a birthday gift to myself =). I have kind of a unique situation, however, one that could benefit many with your insights. I have chronic health problems that cause episodes of pain in my stomach as well as mental health challenges. I saw that some people can use weighted blankets to help with anxiety and thought if someone could make one that could be stuck in the fridge or microwave, that would be amazing for my bad days and could be a life saver for my sister with lymes and fibromyalgia!! ones that are currently premade are hundreds of dollars (which is challenging to afford since i’m not always well enough to work full time) as well as not designed to be used for heat. any suggestions on how to go about finding/using materials that can be used for heat therapy?

    also, another thing that is a challenge for my pain as well as a challenge many women face is poorly fitted bras and the horrible chore of trying to find one that actually fits when most don’t seem to fit your “body type”. In order to start getting my health on track, I started losing weight 3 years ago and started acupuncture 6 weeks ago. So far, I’ve lost 70 lbs (30% of my body weight and about 20 lbs left to go according to my doctor) and it decided to have a sense of humor by having me drop a shoe size but gain 5 bra sizes =/… So, now I have to face the choice of either having to replace my bra wardrobe with specialty store bras that never fit completely right every 5 lbs or be able to pay for my acupuncture and medicines I absolutely need to be able to work (my stomach went from being 30-40% functional with frequent ER visits every month to no less than 7-0% functional with continued improvement and being able to eat more complex food regularly due to starting acupuncture) also, if my bras don’t fit right, they can trigger severe episodes and just make the idea of going out in public/work intimidating since I worry i’ll be stuck somewhere in clothes that make the pain untolerable. could you please have some tutorials on how to make comfortable stretch bralettes/bedtime bras and how to alter/make bras that fit your form properly? if I didn’t have to worry about my bra triggering my pain or putting me in an economic bind that would help me be able to continue my life changing treatments, that would be amazing!! plus some more tutorials on tailoring/alterations would be awesome since as you can imagine… I’ve got a lot of things that I love but don’t fit anymore and i’m scared of wearing/making pants because i’m not sure how to make the waistbands as comfortable as wearing skirts or dresses in case I do have a flair up. if you could show ways of how to increase the comfort level of professional clothes, that would be awesome and help me transition into a new career in public service. thanks for all you do =)

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