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Pattern Does Not Go Up To a Large Enough Size

Pattern Does Not Go Up To a Large Enough Size

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Pattern Does Not Go Up To a Large Enough Size

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    I am going to make my daughter the Simplicity 0866 dress and purchased the pattern before Halloween.   We did not pay any attention to details like size at the time of purchase.  Since I made my Halloween Renaissance outfit I have learned much on the sizes of patterns.  So today getting ready to cut out the pattern pieces I knew she needed the size 16 pieces.  Her measurements are 38, 31 and 43 per the patterns recommended measurement points.   My pattern sadly is the 6-14 one.  Can I just increase by 1/2 an inch all the way around all the pieces or only at the bust and hip.  What about the sleeve will that 14 sleeve fit her?  I am so upset about this,  I got enough fabric for the 16 but didn’t see that my pattern stopped at 14.


    Oh no!  Well, in order to take a pattern and create another size, you have to do pattern grading.  We don’t have a tutorial on this but hopefully we will someday.  In the meantime, check out this link of someone who explains how to grade in an easy manner.  Also, I don’t know where you purchased the pattern from, but I do know that JoAnn’s return policy does allow pattern returns and exchanges so if your store is near you might want to inquire.   It might be faster to exchange the pattern for the correct size.  Good luck and I can’t wait to see how your dress comes out. 🙂


    Its to late to exchange it,  but the grading concept is pretty much what I am doing,  I used your hip increase method to sort out how much to add on and have been pencil drawing on the new line before cutting out the pieces,  yes this is slow but I would rather cut to big than too small. Thank you


    I have successfully cut out all the pieces adding 1/2 inch to any parts that have a bust or hip part in them.   I have also marked them all,  Love the tip in the video on how to mark them with the pin though the dot and the disappearing ink pen.  Having a chronic pain disorder makes this take longer than I wanted but so far so good.   Keep moving forward.

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