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Knit fabrics

Knit fabrics

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  • #45242

    Hi Professor Pincushion,
    I want to make some lingerie with knit fabrics and the fabric I have is a two- way stretch. I am not sure in which direction I should align my pattern pieces on the fabric. The pattern instructions are for the greatest stretch to go around the body and to align the straight grain with selvedge. The thing is: the greatest stretch on the fabric I have got is on the straight of the grain. What should I do, can you please advise me? Also, I would like to thank you for taking your time to answer my questions in the past. As I am no longer premium on other sewing website you always have to pay to get an answer to your question.


    Sorry for the delay, I’m still getting caught up after being out of town. If it were me, I would ignore keeping the grainline parallel with the selvedge and turn the pattern the other way so that the greatest stretch does go around the body. I think getting the stretch right is the most important part. Just make sure you stay consistent and it should turn out fine. 🙂

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