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    hello, i just started here, my name is tony, i am making a pair of jeans smaller than they are my problem is on the left side < of the jeans say like 1 ft. from the waist down is shorter than the right side of the jeans, i don’t know how i did it any suggestions on how to fix it.



    I’m having a little trouble imagining what happened to your jeans 🙁 did this happen after the alteration and how were you going about with it? When you say smaller, do you mean shorter or just tighter?


    ok lets see?? it happen before when i was cutting the excess material from the left side i lined the right side even and cut a 1/2 in. off the left side i am in a sewing class and she she is showing me how to do this.But she doesn’t know what i did wrong i figured maybe you can help


    Seems like you made quite a mystery. So were these pants you created from scratch? Can you attach a pic to this thread? It might help me at least get a visual. Thanks!

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