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    I’m making a dress and I ironed the fusable interfacing to my fabric.  But as I’m making the dress the interfacing is very stiff and makes a lot of crackling noises.  I’m afraid it’s going to sound like I’m wearing a diaper!  : P  I’m doing the Simplicity pattern 1777 so it’s a larger piece of interfacing for the front bodice piece, but still, I don’t think it should be making that much noise.  Will it get more pliable/make less noise after I wash it?  I’m at the spot where I need to sew the lining to the bodice and I’m contemplating tearing out the interfacing since it’s the last chance I’ll have to do it.  Knowing me, I probably bought the wrong kind of interfacing….


    Oh boy, sounds like your interfacing is too heavy.  Is it woven, non-woven, or knit?  Most fusable interfacing is the non-woven type and not very flexible but if it’s knit, it might very well soften.  Not knowing what you have, make a small sample (even something as small as a 5×5 square) of the fabric, interfacing, and lining, wash it and see what happens.  To me, that’s your best bet.  Then you can decide if you want to take it apart or not.  Sorry I’m not being of much help.


    Oh no!  You may be using the wrong kind of interfacing.  I’ve never had interfacing make any kind of a noise.  Most are soft like fabric.   I normally use a lightweight or featherweight fusible interfacing.  Something like this.   Good luck with your dress!


    This probably wont help but………… I bought a cheap pair of tennis shoes (Ked’s type) and they crackled and crackled.  I finally tore them apart to see where that noise was coming from.  It was the interfacing of the lining.     It might go away once washed.  Do a sample swatch and wash it.   Or call the mfg of the product.    I am still looking for someone to do a video on Interfacing, stabilizers and web.  The differences, when to best use the product etc.  No one wants to tackle it as of yet so we must trial and error on swatches.


    Threads has a pretty extensive discussion on this.  Definitely helps me decide what I want to use for each project’s fabric choices.  There’s no rule per se for when to use each so it’s well worth the read so you understand how each works.

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