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i took the jeans apart

i took the jeans apart

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    hi, i don’t know if you remember me or not?? i took the jeans apart i haven’t tried to fit them if you remember they were off on one side of the jeans at the waist, so if they are ok and sides are even were would you start sewing from the bottom of the pants leg or the sides?? and if the sides are uneven because i cut wrong what can i do to save the jeans

    tony w/an I


    I’m glad you got your jeans straightened out! If the crotch curves are already sewn together, I usually sew the outer leg seams first and then the inner leg seams second. Does that answer your question?


    yes, but what can i do for the short side, like think of the waist and it ends at the pocket and that side seam goes down the outer seam well that seam is shorter than the other out side seam on the right side of the jeans ii ——— waist——–i
    the left is short i right is ok the little i’s are side seams lol

    haaaa you poor lady i bet you wish i would go away right !!!!!!


    Are you talking about the side front which makes up part of the front pocket? Yes, that part does get attached to the front first before the side seam is sewn. I usually just baste it into place because when you sew the side seam and, eventually, the waistband, those will give you more permanent stitches for keeping it in place.


    ok i will try that for sure and let you know thanks so much tony

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