Firstly, Howdy Professor! I am happy to have found your website! My question is 2- part: My pattern directions gives a key that the shaded is printed side down and the blank is printed side up. Looking at my pattern layout it is requesting both ways. Pieces 1, 4, & 8 are printed side up, and pieces 3, 7, & 9 are printed side down. Do I cut out one set then flip my fabric over to cut out the other? This will only be my second project. Also if you look at the layout 3a is at 44″ 45″, and 3b is 58″ 60″. What is that for and why does the shorter one call for more material than the longer one? Just a question I can’t figure out. Now looking at it, does it have to do with how your fabric is cut?? Thank you in advance!