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Grain line on scraps of fabric

Grain line on scraps of fabric

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Grain line on scraps of fabric

  • This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 8 years ago by the_professors_assistant.
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    My sister makes quilts from lots of scrap fabric. How can she tell the grain line when the selvage is gone???

    Thank you….you are the “bomb.”

    Lillian Palko


    Once the selvage is gone, there really is not way to tell where it is. If you’re using a woven fabric, you can snip the end and tear the fabric and it’ll tear along the lengthwise (or crosswise) grainline. That will at least give you a straight edge. If you’re using scraps to make a quilt, that should be good enough and you shouldn’t have any issues. If it was the same situation and you were using a pattern to make clothing, I would just pick a direction and make sure all your grainline arrows are consistent when placing all the patterns down.

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