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Fitting Knit Tops

Fitting Knit Tops

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Fitting Knit Tops

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by professorpincushion.
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  • #78060

    Hello – can you tell do you have a class available that teaches on fitting knit tops that is simple? I am very familiar with the pivot and slide method and have tried this but have not been successful. If you do not have a class do you offer private classes for this? If so what would be the charge for this?


    We don’t have any specific tutorials, nor do we offer private lessons. Is there one particular fit issue you seem to have trouble with? I’ll do my best to answer.


    It seems like when I use the front width measurement from the pivot and slide method to select the pattern size that prevents the neckline from gaping. When I add the side measurements I don’t know how to factor in the ease to determine what to use for determining the adjustments that need to be made.


    Oh got it! Yeah, you don’t want a gaping neckline. so if your pattern choice based on the upper bust measurement, you’ll want to make a muslin. If the neckline fits and the bust doesn’t then you can use the pivot and slide to fix the bustline, this shouldn’t effect the neckline. OR you can choose your pattern based on your full bustline measurement and then make alterations to the neckline and fix the gape. Again, you’d need to make a muslin, pinch and measure the gape to know how much to take out. There’s actually a good demo on pattern alteration to fix a gape here: You might find, altering a pattern to fix the gape might be easier than fixing the bustline. It’s really up to you.

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