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Crotch video

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  • #30071

    In the Crotch alterations, you said you can shorten the front crotch and the back. One or the other can be shorter/longer than say the back can be longer than the front. But when you do this the inseam doesn’t line up. How do you remdy this? Thanks


    If the difference isn’t large, you can probably ease the inner leg seams together. If the difference is too large, what I would do is use the slide rule to make the changes for the crotch that is the same for the front and back. For the side that has the greater increase, take the difference and add it to the top of the crotch curve. (for example: you want to add 1″ to front but 2″ to back. Do the slide method and add 1″ to both. Then for the back you’ll add an additional 1″ to the top of the back crotch curve.) You have to be careful, because if you do the increase for the whole width of the leg, this will also bring up the side seam length as well. If this is fine, you can do this. If you only want to affect the crotch curve area, you have to add the length and then blend the top of the line towards the waistline, blending until it meets the original waistline. Definitely do a muslin though so you can test this before using more expensive fabric. I hope this makes sense!

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