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    Hi, I’m somewhat new to sewing and I’m a visual learner. When it comes to reading patterns, I have a very difficult time because of the fact that I am a visual learner. When I watch a step by step video explaining how to make something from the pattern chosen, I’m able to do it. I recently purchased a pattern and I’m having a hard time understanding it. My question to you is this: can you create a “how to” video from the pattern that I bought? I understand you’re very busy doing other projects and videos for your website (which I actually use), but this would be very helpful to me. Being able to see a video over and over again is very important to me because I tend to forget what I just learned. I’m sure there are plenty of other people out there just like me. I plan to become a Patreon, but before I chose one of the levels, I wanted to see if there was a certain level that would get me a video made from a pattern of my choosing. If there isn’t a level, maybe you should consider making a level that would include a perk like that. I know I would pay for it. Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Thank you!


    Thank you so much for considering supporting us on Patreon! To be honest, we had considered adding a level as you suggested in which the receiver could choose a pattern tutorial for us to create but as we debated about it we just couldn’t come up with a way that it would be fair for both us, the creators, and for the patron. Full pattern tutorials require quite a bit of time to create as even the very simple basic ones can be in production for at least a week. Because of the time and effort behind creating these types of tutorials, we “charge” quite a bit for them. So while I’m flattered that people want to be taught by me personally, I understand that most individuals probably won’t want to pay for that type of service and it’s more economical find a seamstress locally who can take you through the pattern of your choice. Just know, that if you’re ever going through a pattern on your own and get stuck on a step, you can upload an image of that step on this forum and I’ll do my best to help you through it. 🙂

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