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Cape drama

Cape drama

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    I love making capes and use a lightweight tweed / wool

    I’ve tried to line a few very unsuccessfully.

    Basically the lining bags at the bottom, no matter what I do.

    I’ve tried attaching at the seam and turning inside out, attaattaching at the neck and turning the bottom seam.

    No matter what I do it bags

    any help people 😉


    hmmmm…that is an interesting cape drama and I don’t know why that tends to happen except that the cape is so big that there’s nothing to support the lining in the middle. Maybe after you turn the whole thing right side out, do a few tacking stitches in the center just to support the lining to the cape a little more. If you make these stitches small and in a matching color thread, no one will notice. I would also do a top stitch around the whole outer edge to make it look nice and crisp. Hope that helps! 🙂

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