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Reply To: How to do these darts (pleats?) – Vintage Lutterloh

Reply To: How to do these darts (pleats?) – Vintage Lutterloh

Home Page Forums Ask A Question How to do these darts (pleats?) – Vintage Lutterloh Reply To: How to do these darts (pleats?) – Vintage Lutterloh


Hi Alia,
The item you circled is defenitely a pleat that you make by joining the two circles. Fold the left line and line it up to the line on the right and baste.
The shaded area on the back of the skirt looks to me it is to make an inverted pleat at the back. I would sew the back seam to the mark above the hemline and then sew another seam on the line outside the shaded area. Once that is done, pin or baste the 2 seams together and press forming an inverted pleat. You will have to tuck it at the bottom
The other shaded area I can´t really say but it probably would work the same way by joining the circles. Hope this helps.