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Reply To: Fluffy gal trying to make Simp. 2172

Reply To: Fluffy gal trying to make Simp. 2172

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Fluffy gal trying to make Simp. 2172 Reply To: Fluffy gal trying to make Simp. 2172


oh no! sorry to hear you’re having trouble. I’m trying to imagine what this looks like. So you’re saying the bustier is too small, right? If I were you and this is the case, I would go ahead and add two evenly sized panels, but I would add it to the back on either side of the zipper. Any alterations you make are going to be a pain in the neck if you’ve already completed the whole thing but at least you’re not doing this at the last minute. (I love people like you who prep for these early instead of trying to throw it together at the last minute.) So, as much as I would hate it, and I would hate it, I would take out the zipper, add two equal panels on each side, then start the process of putting it back together. Being in the back it won’t be as noticeable and if you ran out of fabric, consider using a contrasting piece and no one will know that you didn’t do it on purpose. Because you know you only need 2″ on top and 9″ on the bottom, use that information as your guide for cutting out your pieces (divided in half) and making sure you still have a perfect fit. Don’t forget to include your seam allowances…otherwise, you’ll find it too small again. Good luck! I’d love to see a pic and I’m sure your costume will be a hit at comic-con! 🙂