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Reply To: Finishing a Skirt that has a Wide Yoke and a Lap Zipper Without a Waist Band

Reply To: Finishing a Skirt that has a Wide Yoke and a Lap Zipper Without a Waist Band

Home Page Forums Ask A Question Finishing a Skirt that has a Wide Yoke and a Lap Zipper Without a Waist Band Reply To: Finishing a Skirt that has a Wide Yoke and a Lap Zipper Without a Waist Band


I haven’t done this pattern before. Do you mean how to finish the raw edges on the seam allowances of the zipper area. Honestly, the easiest way, that looks really nice, is using skinny double-folded bias tape and slipping it over the edges to sew in place. It’s quick and always looks nice. This would be like doing a bound finish and works on all kinds of raw edges. If this is not what you mean and you’re just stuck at a particular step, it would be easier for me to help if you upload a picture here of the direction your stuck at.