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Reply To: McCalls 6697 increase bust size

Reply To: McCalls 6697 increase bust size

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Thank you for your response.

I bought the largest pattern, but the bust size is 44 inches.

Originally I made the alterations on #1, 3, 4 &5, 7, & 8; one inch on each pattern to allow for ease as well. I made it up on knit fabric in my stash; the fit on the waist & hips was fine. Although the bust fit was okay, the shoulders were pulling off, even though I had also put in the sleeves.

Maybe I should increase pieces 2 & 3 below the seam line (so as not to enlarge the neck), to the notch, thereby allowing extra room in the bust area without disturbing the armhole.

Does this sound reasonable?

Thank you so very much for your help; it is indeed a very lovely dress & I hope to conquer the fit problem!