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Does he just want them to be longer? The waist size is dependent on his actual waist measurement as you’re cutting the elastic to fit his waist. The pattern waist is naturally bigger which creates the gathering when the elastic is fitted in the casing. So the size here is a little flexible. Obviously, if you cut the elastic to be bigger than his waistline, there’s not going to be anything to keep the shorts up. If he wants a longer crotch length, you can just extend the pattern at the top but you have to do both the front and the back. I would take the measurement and split it between the two. So if the crotch needs to be extended by 1″, you add a 1/2″ on top of the front and 1/2″ on top of the bottom. If he wants longer legs, then just extend on the bottom of the pattern, again doing both front and bottom, but this time you do not need to split the measurement. If I were you, I’d make a sample pair from an old sheet or cheap muslin to test the fit and then make adjustments to the pattern.