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Reply To: Adding lining to a bodice without closures

Reply To: Adding lining to a bodice without closures

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I looked at the pictures and I’m with you. It made my brain hurt. We don’t have a similar tutorial, unfortunately, but I’ll add it to my list. I hope I can at least try and explain it and make it a little clearer. So you’re essentially sewing lining and main piece together all the way around EXCEPT for the side seam and waistline area. Let’s just leave the sleeve out of this for now and make it simple. What it looks like she did: sew neckline first and turn everything right side out. Let’s just say you have the left side of the bodice and the right side of the bodice. Take the main fabric armhole section of the left bodice and the lining fabric of the armhole section of the left bodice and bring them right side to right side. Now because the bodice is right side out that means you take the left side lining up and over the rest of the bodice so the majority of the bodice will be all enclosed between left main and left lining are brought together right side to right side. (Is your brain still hurting?) Sew left armhole section and turn the garment right side out again. Now you do the same thing, just with the right armhole. So right main fabric and right lining fabric come together, right side to right side, and all the rest of the bodice is enclosed when you fold these areas together. Stitch right armhole and flip it right side out again. When you’re done, the side seams and waistline area will still be open so these will eventually be stitched as well. I wish I was more helpful 🙁