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Reply To: Adding Grow Room to Children’s clothes

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If the dress is larger, you can make the seam allowances bigger than what is called for. As the child grows you can replace your seams with smaller ones. Maybe add some extra inches to the hem so you can also extend the length of the dress as needed. As for the armholes, I guess it just depends on how they’re finished. If they use bias tape, then I imagine you’ll have to redo with a new piece of bias tape everytime you let the dress out. cute pattern! 🙂
As far as your fabric with the missing selvage, tug your fabric both ways. I don’t know if this works with every fabric, but if I pull my fabric lengthwise, it has no stretch whatsoever. Pulling crosswise does has a very small stretch. So the direction of your fabric with no stretch will then be your lengthwise, or straight-of-grain direction. Hope that helps and I’d love to a picture when you finish!