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Thanks! I understand what you’re saying. In regards to this particular dress though, I think I would need to re-size the whole dress larger, (she’s a size 3 but she’ll probably grow into a size 4 pretty soon) which makes me apprehensive for fear I’ll end up disfiguring the dress completely. I guess, my question should have been, how to resize a garment larger? Not sure whether it’s a different approach when dealing with different garments or basically the same method for all? I watched your vids on resizing bust and waist, which were totally helpful, so I tried doing it with this little dress but when I got to the collar and facings…I wasn’t sure whether to leave them the way they were or make my new line go inward instead of outward (to make the collar deeper/larger), or what?? Started to get a little stuck. Maybe that might be a little too advanced for me to delve into yet… = (

Thanks for the tip about the fabric too!